
(Marakatam or Panna)

The term "emerald" finds its roots in the Greek word ‘Smaragdus,’ which translates to ‘Green Gem.’ In India, this precious stone is also known as ‘Panna.’ Emerald, distinguished by its vibrant green hue, is a precious gemstone formed through the intricate combination of various elements, including Beryllium Aluminium Cyclosilicate.

Emeralds also contain traces of Chromium and Vanadium, and their chemical composition is represented by the formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. Classified under the Cyclosilicate category, these gemstones belong to the group of rock-forming hard materials that constitute a significant portion of the Earth's crust. Emeralds hold a prestigious position among the four most valuable gemstones, alongside diamond, ruby, and sapphire.

Colombia stands out as a significant contributor, managing around 50% of the world's emerald supply. The country ensures the quality authentication of emeralds, fostering enduring business relationships with various nations. Approximately 30 other countries play a role in the global emerald supply, with the United States, China, Switzerland, and others actively participating. Regions with substantial quartz deposits are believed to host the largest reservoirs of emerald stones.


Benefits of Emerald:

Creativity and Imagination: Emerald enhances creativity and imagination in individuals. As the gemstone of Planet Mercury, it governs communication, business, finance, writing, and accounting skills, contributing to increased imaginative capabilities.

Professional Suitability: Emerald is suitable for professionals across various domains, offering the potential for financial growth and enhanced vitality.

Beneficial for Specific Professions: Individuals in banking, music, government services, judiciary, architecture, auditing, share market, finance, bookkeeping, writing, media, journalism, teaching, and business benefit the most from the energy of the emerald stone.

Intellectual Boost: Worn under the lordship of Lord Buddha, the emerald stone promotes wisdom and awareness, boosting intellect. It aids students in preparing for challenging competitive examinations.

Oratory Skills: The emerald stone positively influences oratory skills, instilling confidence in delivering speeches publicly and attracting audiences.

Physical Well-being: Emerald contributes to physical well-being by addressing ailments and maintaining a harmonious physical balance.

Healing Properties: This magical stone aids in the permanent removal of skin diseases, speech impediments, and other critical physical drawbacks in the wearer.

Enhanced Relationships: Emerald improves the bond of love in relationships, facilitating strengthened connections. It is believed to aid young individuals in finding suitable matches.

Stress Reduction: The emerald stone is associated with reducing anxiety and alleviating mental stress.

Ease in Childbirth: Pregnant women may experience reduced pain during labor when wearing an emerald stone.

Maintaining Relationships: Friendships and partnerships, both in marriage and business, are maintained through the influence of the emerald stone.

Dealing with Health Issues: Emerald effectively addresses nervous troubles and respiratory problems.

Emotional Healing: The stone contributes to emotional balance, aiding individuals in recovering from emotional scars and feelings of brokenness.

Antidote Properties: Emerald is known for its antidote strength against deadly poisons.

Fortune and Global Recognition: The emerald stone is believed to bring back lost fortune and enhance one's identity, leading to global appreciation.

Improved Concentration: The stone has a magical effect on boosting concentration power and facilitating easy memorization of information.

Physical Properties

Color Variation: The hue of the Emerald gemstone ranges from bluish-green to yellowish-green, exuding a refreshing and shiny appearance at first glance.

Composition: Emerald belongs to the Beryl family, specifically beryllium aluminum silicate, with the chemical formula Be3Al2Si6O18. It constitutes approximately 90% of the Earth's crust and falls under the Cyclosilicate group.

Crystalline Structure: The crystals of emerald exhibit a hexagonal structure. The distinct green color is achieved due to the presence of Chromium and Vanadium. It is crucial to note that true Emerald is distinguished by a specific shade of green, and caution is advised against mistaking ordinary beryl for precious Emerald.

Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of the Emerald stone falls within the range of 2.72 to 2.80.

Hardness: On the Moh’s scale of rating, the hardness of the Emerald stone is measured at 7.5 to 8.0. While relatively soft compared to Sapphire and Ruby, it still possesses remarkable hardness.


Who Should Wear Emerald?

Emerald is beneficial for individuals involved in communication, education, business, intuition, and intelligence, harnessing the positive effects of Mercury. Those seeking to enhance the influence of Mercury in their horoscope should consider wearing an Emerald stone. It is essential to consult an astrologer for personalized recommendations before donning this powerful gemstone. Individuals with Gemini and Virgo sun signs, ruled by Lord Mercury, can particularly benefit from wearing Emerald.

The suitability of wearing Emerald is not solely determined by one's sun sign but is contingent upon the specific planetary conditions in an individual’s horoscope. Astrologers or expert Astro Gemologists conduct detailed studies to provide tailored suggestions for wearing this stone.

Emerald is recommended for individuals experiencing issues such as lack of concentration, speaking ability, misfortunes, insomnia, fraud, and unsuccessful life situations. Those facing failures, instability, and depression can also turn to emerald for positive changes in their lives.

Students struggling to succeed in competitive examinations despite their efforts can wear this gemstone. It enhances concentration, sharpens memory, and brings luck in facing life's challenges. Consultation with an astrologer is imperative before deciding to wear Emerald.

Quality of Emerald:

Emerald quality is assessed using a grading system, although it's essential to note that this system isn't universally accepted. Grades include Natural AAA, Natural AA, and Natural A. AAA represents the highest quality, exhibiting rich green color and extreme brilliance. AA appears medium green with moderate inclusions, while A is deep green and opaque, considered inferior.

Emeralds from Columbia are highly regarded for their quality, including hue, color, clarity, and strength. Tonal grades range from very light to very dark, with experts typically favoring medium dark to very dark tones. Acceptable colors span from medium dark to very dark, considering factors like refractive index, specific gravity, and overall originality. It's advisable to evaluate cut, color, clarity, carat weight, origin, and treatment independently for a comprehensive assessment.


asked questions

How to Wear Emerald?
Emerald gemstone is worn under the lordship of Mercury. Individuals experiencing adverse effects of Mercury in their horoscope can wear Emerald after consulting astrologers. It is recommended to wear the gemstone on the little or ring finger of the working hand, preferably in Gold or Silver, on Wednesday at sunrise.

To prepare the emerald gemstone ring, place it in a metal bowl and purify it using Gangajal, raw cow’s milk, honey, and ghee. Recite the beej mantra of Mercury, ‘Om Brahm Breem Braum Sah Budhaye Namah,’ while praying for blessings. Wear the stone with complete belief for effective results.
In Which Metal Should I Wear Emerald?
should be worn on the smallest or ring finger of the working hand, associated with the mercury part in the palm. It can be worn in both Gold and Silver. Both metals yield positive results, providing wearers with instant benefits.
How to Buy Emerald Stone?
buying emerald stones online, choose sellers with genuine selling rights. Authentic sellers provide original emerald stones with a certificate of genuineness. Verify the stone's originality using various tips and tricks, considering aspects like refractive index, carat, origin, specific gravity, and physical properties.

At, we prioritize your decision, offering the best quality emeralds with competitive rates and a commitment to high originality standards.
How to Check the Quality of Emerald?
Genuine emeralds reflect a bluish-green hue, distinct from the yellowish or brownish tone of fake emeralds. Authentic emeralds do not sparkle with fire. The stone's hardness on the Moh’s scale is measured between 7.5 to 8.0. Certification from authentic sellers includes information on mining location for further verification.
Who Should Wear Emerald Stone?
Wearing emerald is not limited to specific sun signs; individuals other than Gemini and Virgo can wear it based on astrological suggestions. Mercury's position in the horoscope is crucial. Emerald is recommended for anyone facing adverse effects of Mercury, including a lack of concentration, speaking ability, misfortunes, insomnia, fraud, and unsuccessful life situations.
What is the benefit of wearing Emerald?
Numerous benefits of wearing emerald include regaining financial stability, consistent success for students, employees, and business personnel, improved love bonds in relationships, and easier childbirth for pregnant women. It also aids in maintaining good relationships among partners, deals with nervous troubles and respiratory problems, acts against deadly poisons, brings back lost fortune, and boosts mental strength and concentration abilities.
In Which Finger Should We Wear Emerald Gemstone?
According to expert astrologers, Emerald should be worn on the smallest or ring finger of the working hand. This finger is considered most suitable for instant benefits, leading to success, enhanced health, improved financial conditions, and better fortune. It is essential to follow appropriate regulations before wearing the stone on the ring finger.
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